Q & A for Parents
What is Rainbow?
Rainbow is a non-profit character building service organization. The main goal is to help its members become more than they dreamed possible. Involvement in Rainbow teaches girls three basic virtues:
Who are member of Rainbow?
Rainbow is open to girls between the ages of 11 and 20. You do not have to be Christian to be a member. You can be assured that the values promoted by Rainbow are strong and basic to many religions.
Do Rainbow Girls have a uniform?
Rainbow does have a “dress code” that applies to all member and adults whether attending a local assembly, Grand Assembly or Supreme Assembly, or when representing Rainbow elsewhere. The Rainbow dress code specifies formal dresses for certain meetings and church-like attire for other meetings. Rainbow Girls learn how to present themselves with grace and poise by wearing proper attire.
What is a ritual?
The script for the formal meetings and open ceremonies of Rainbow can be found in a book called the Ritual. When a member holds an office in the Assembly she learns her station’s lecture from the Ritual, or as sometimes called, the book of ceremonies. By presenting a memorized lecture, Rainbow Girls learn about public speaking and leadership. The Ritual contains Rainbow’s teachings based on right living and thinking.
Why Rainbow?
There are many groups for youth to join today, but Rainbow offers more benefits than the typical organization. Most organizations offer:
Rainbow Girls are taught how to apply each of these worthy values to “real life” situations. Rainbow teaches every member that they can make a difference and become a better person. Through member’s experiences in Rainbow they come to realize that they can excel in their schoolwork, become involved in the community, and shine in all that they do.
What are the expenses involved in Rainbow?
The expenses with Rainbow typically occur in the following areas:
Rainbow is a non-profit character building service organization. The main goal is to help its members become more than they dreamed possible. Involvement in Rainbow teaches girls three basic virtues:
- to have faith in a Supreme Being, other people and themselves;
- to have hope in all that they do;
- and to be charitable, for to live a life of services is the most rewarding of all.
Who are member of Rainbow?
Rainbow is open to girls between the ages of 11 and 20. You do not have to be Christian to be a member. You can be assured that the values promoted by Rainbow are strong and basic to many religions.
Do Rainbow Girls have a uniform?
Rainbow does have a “dress code” that applies to all member and adults whether attending a local assembly, Grand Assembly or Supreme Assembly, or when representing Rainbow elsewhere. The Rainbow dress code specifies formal dresses for certain meetings and church-like attire for other meetings. Rainbow Girls learn how to present themselves with grace and poise by wearing proper attire.
What is a ritual?
The script for the formal meetings and open ceremonies of Rainbow can be found in a book called the Ritual. When a member holds an office in the Assembly she learns her station’s lecture from the Ritual, or as sometimes called, the book of ceremonies. By presenting a memorized lecture, Rainbow Girls learn about public speaking and leadership. The Ritual contains Rainbow’s teachings based on right living and thinking.
Why Rainbow?
There are many groups for youth to join today, but Rainbow offers more benefits than the typical organization. Most organizations offer:
- Fun
- Learning
- Service
- Public speaking/presentation
- Poise and self-confidence
- Leadership development
- Ethics and good citizenship
- Team building
Rainbow Girls are taught how to apply each of these worthy values to “real life” situations. Rainbow teaches every member that they can make a difference and become a better person. Through member’s experiences in Rainbow they come to realize that they can excel in their schoolwork, become involved in the community, and shine in all that they do.
What are the expenses involved in Rainbow?
The expenses with Rainbow typically occur in the following areas:
- Joining Fee: A girl petitioning an Assembly for membership is required to pay an initiation fee. This fee goes to the local assembly and to Supreme Assembly. The amount may range from $10-15 and will be provided on the local assembly level.
- Dues: Each member is asked to pay dues once a year. A portion is given to Supreme Assembly and the remainder is kept at the local level. The amount may range from $5-20. Dues are used to pay expenses necessary for holding annual and bi-annual conventions as well as maintaining communication on all levels.
- Traveling: Once a Rainbow Girl is initiated she is allowed to attend any local assembly, Grand Assembly or Supreme Assembly. Traveling expenses may include hotel room costs, registration fees, and any fun activities involved, as well as souvenirs. Although traveling to other assemblies, Grand Assemblies or Supreme Assemblies is not required, they are good opportunities to meet other Rainbow Girls.
- Rainbow Uniform: As specified above, a part of the uniform includes dressing in a formal gown for some of the meetings and activities. Details about the gown will be provided by the local assembly.